xone map The New World

Assault map by NEUROSIS72 (2018-09-04)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5b8ed8ad30102381c88b82ec
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 104 objects, spanning 52 different archetypes.

Cowhand Follower Berserker Male src2111354251 💰
Cult Scientist src111322144 💰
Cult Butcher src111312158 💰
Cowhand Follower Brawler Male src3212275916 💰
Cowhand Follower Brawler Male src2111275916 💰
Cult Security Hunter Male src111255528 💰
Joseph Seed src4111252817 💰
Chosen Defender src111251435 💰
Chosen Hunter src2414251416 💰
Chosen Hunter src111251416 💰
Chosen Hunter src3414251416 💰
Cult Trainer src212236240 💰
Cowhand Follower Sniper Male src2111185781 💰
Cowhand Follower Sniper Male src3515185781 💰
Cowhand Follower Pistolero Male src3616185637 💰
Cowhand Follower Pistolero Male src2616185637 💰
Cult Security Pistolero Male src2111132235 💰
Corpse Security Pistolero src11158304 💰
Corpse Hanging Pole 13347639 💰
Cougar src11131474 💰
Hunting Blind 02 src11129883 💰
American Black Bear src11129874 💰
Corpse Cross 12229007 💰
Yeti src21225672 💰
Caribou src21223824 💰
White Tailed Deer Female src31322888 💰
Bison src41422051 💰
White Tailed Deer Male src31321748 💰
Boar src11117240 💰
Wolf Grey Leader src11116845 💰
Wolf Grey src11116808 💰
Sacrificial Altar src11115023 💰
Fire Bowl Lit src11112499 💰
Medkit src1011011997 💰
Fire Camp Medium src2129632 💰
Bison Carcass src1117880 💰
Effigy src1117153 💰
Camping Tent Green src1115625 💰
Venusof Willendor src1115461 💰
Body Armor src3134224 💰
Decal Blood Large Dry src2122395 💰
Decal Blood Large src2122391 💰
Prayer Bowl Unlit src1111591 💰
Ladder 14 Steps src1111086 💰
Decal Blood Medium 01 src212689 💰
Decal Blood Medium 01 src212684 💰
Decal Blood Splatter Large 01 src111684 💰
Decal Blood Medium 02 src515347 💰
Fire Flying Sparks src11168 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 2 2120 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 11 1110 💰
Totals104107 / 70004648410