ps4 map Safe butter

Assault map by wololoasia (2019-01-18)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 120 objects, spanning 36 different archetypes.

Walker Female src111411295 💰
Roach Female src111397355 💰
Cult Security Assaulter African American Male src2414347633 💰
Cult Priestess src3515326563 💰
Behemoth src111318599 💰
Cult Security Heavy Gunner Male src717257269 💰
Cult Security Heavy Gunner Male src2313257269 💰
Chosen Hunter src4515251416 💰
Cult Trainer src3111236240 💰
Biker Security Sniper Male src818174540 💰
Biker Security Sniper Male src2111174540 💰
Plane Combat Clutch Nixon src111166537 💰
Radar Tower Small Full 11515146309 💰
Cult Security Rocket Male src2717133555 💰
Radar Tower Small With Stairs 177128693 💰
Radar Tower Small 24888677 💰
Grapple Anchor Swing src31316355 💰
MS16 src11112420 💰
AR-C src21212357 💰
SA-50 src21212172 💰
Ruins Building Corner 03 src11111688 💰
Mortar src21211683 💰
Ruins Building Wall 05 src1119573 💰
M60 src3135680 💰
Ruins Building Corner 02 Snow src1113887 💰
Ruins Building Corner 04 Snow src2123887 💰
Fortification Medium 02 src8183675 💰
No thumbnailRush Point - 85 3130 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
No thumbnailMove And Defend - 76 251250 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 34 1110 💰
No thumbnailBig Sky 05 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 33 1110 💰
Spawn Point src2120 💰
No thumbnailDefend Cautious - 69 101100 💰
No thumbnailLens Effect Sun High 1110 💰
Totals120146 / 70003919867