ps4 map Perepeduykuylograd

Deathmatch map by Ghost10074 (2020-07-24)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 76 objects, spanning 48 different archetypes.

Tractor Mulcher Basic src111125297 💰
Helicopter Small Vintage Cult src111110886 💰
Guard Tower src11134084 💰
Cougar src11131474 💰
American Black Bear src31329874 💰
Hoe src11122057 💰
Shovel src11122030 💰
Aluminium Bat src11122009 💰
Pipe Bomb src11121101 💰
Obstacle Tower src11120919 💰
House Terrace Medium 02 Furnished 1727219328 💰
Grapple Anchor Swing src11116355 💰
Guard Tower src11113715 💰
Road Sign Stop Kellett Loop 02 src41413300 💰
M-79 src11113101 💰
MP34 src11112337 💰
Flare Red src11112299 💰
P08-L src11112284 💰
Proximity Mine src11111884 💰
MP40 src11111876 💰
Spiked Bat src11111780 💰
Fireworks src11111111 💰
Fork Lift src11110672 💰
Fire Windows src1119566 💰
Molotov src1116994 💰
Smoke Center Mist src1116831 💰
Church src1116829 💰
Airport Antenna src1116065 💰
Racing Waypoint src1115468 💰
Sailboat Wreck src1115463 💰
Tent Nomad 02 src1113211 💰
MG42 src2122976 💰
Pipe Concrete Short src2122049 💰
Tent Nomad 01 src1111674 💰
Ladder 36 Steps src1111150 💰
Visual Flying Bats src11146 💰
No thumbnailLens Effect Sun High 1110 💰
Zipline Anchor Vietnam src4140 💰
No thumbnailTerritory – 4 2120 💰
Spawn Point Multi src151150 💰
Bunker Military Floor src1110 💰
Bomb Shell src1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend – 3 1110 💰
Table Tools src1110 💰
Bunker Shelter 02 1440 💰
Region Kill src4140 💰
House Terrace Medium 03 1550 💰
No thumbnailAlpine Snow 1110 💰
Totals76154 / 7000668095