ps4 map zombie cemetery

Assault map by markdepark83 (2020-07-22)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 270 objects, spanning 52 different archetypes.

Convenience Store 19898741016 💰
Walker Female src2212411295 💰
Walker Female src111411295 💰
Walker Male src212112362180 💰
Farm House Vintage 177132392 💰
Tractor Mulcher Cult src111125295 💰
Ammo Pile src51573324 💰
Moose Zombie src11157783 💰
Corpse Face Down src21249562 💰
Corpse Twisted src11147357 💰
Corpse Evil Corp Officer Reaching src11134386 💰
Corpse Evil Corp Officer Sitting Back To Wall src11134366 💰
Corpse Evil Corp Officer Face Down src21234357 💰
Cliff Alpine Forest 05 src2912929721 💰
Cliff Alpine Forest 02 src21229648 💰
Rock Large Alpine Forest 04 src31329607 💰
Rock Med Cover Alpine Forest 07 src21227457 💰
Bridge Floor Large src11120935 💰
Graveyard Wall Rock Large 01 src6316319780 💰
Graveyard Wall Rock End 01 src21219735 💰
Chicken Rooster src11115861 💰
Cemetery Fountain src11115206 💰
Rattlesnake src21212908 💰
Rock Medium 05 src31312581 💰
Rock Medium 04 src11112576 💰
Rock Medium 08 src11112546 💰
Cemetery Grave Stone Cross src2312311008 💰
Statue Lady 01 src11110335 💰
Cemetery Grave Stone Cross Broken src11110333 💰
Tree Black Spruce Dead 01 src31310072 💰
Tree Birch Dead 03 src161169573 💰
Tree Birch Dead 02 src211219570 💰
Tree Black Spruce Dead 02 src1119386 💰
Tree Bliss Dead 01 Grey src1118335 💰
Tree Bliss Dead 05 src1118290 💰
Debris Building 01 Concrete src2127556 💰
Mansion Gate src2125600 💰
Graffiti 01 Small src1115465 💰
Alpine Flowers src191192871 💰
Alpine Pearly Flowers src7172825 💰
Floating Petals 02 src1112788 💰
Rat src2122260 💰
Bone Pile 03 src111219 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 67 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 68 1110 💰
Tree Albizia Dead Medium src6160 💰
Tree Albizia Dead Large src8180 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
Tree Albizia Dead Small 02 src1110 💰
Tree Albizia Dead Small 01 src2120 💰
Military Medkit src3130 💰
Artemisia Japonica Plant src2120 💰
Totals270373 / 70002889655