ps4 map zombie defense 1

Assault map by juicy_tanker4 (2020-05-18)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 89 objects, spanning 37 different archetypes.

Bunker Eli 1147814787586482 💰
Warehouse Mechanical Exterior 14254252551330 💰
Walker Female src212411295 💰
Roach Female src414397355 💰
Walker Male src616362180 💰
Roach Male src515341965 💰
Omega Resistant Assaulter Male src212321933 💰
Behemoth src414318599 💰
Shelf Military Supplies 13535264577 💰
Cabin Bunk Beds 13939247397 💰
Plane Pack Hunter src111166534 💰
Hangar Aircraft 177124756 💰
Helicopter Cubic src11192296 💰
Crate Weapon Shelf 14437438 💰
Operations Building src11136857 💰
Bags Sand Pallets 642435368 💰
Guard Tower src21234084 💰
Bags Sand Lamps 663632305 💰
Irrigation Reservoir Tower src21228647 💰
Shelf Crates RPG 12225695 💰
Shelf Storage Bins 12221384 💰
Helipad Abandoned src11120805 💰
Crate RPG src11114948 💰
Storage Bin Military 02 src11112064 💰
Medkit src71711997 💰
Mortar src11111683 💰
Trunk Military src11110522 💰
Hedgehog Roadblock src101105924 💰
M60 src1115680 💰
M2 .50 src1115680 💰
Body Armor src4144224 💰
Sandbag Pile Large src1112771 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 72 1110 💰
No thumbnailMove And Defend - 71 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 65 2120 💰
Military Medkit src5150 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
Totals892121 / 700013544775