Assault map by b23gotcha (2018-04-03)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 120 objects, spanning 64 different archetypes.

Cult Follower Berserker African American Male src111357585 💰
Cult Follower Assaulter Female src212355359 💰
Cult Follower Assaulter Male src212346989 💰
Cult Follower Defender Female src111293217 💰
Radar Tower Large 12121268239 💰
Chosen Hunter src111251416 💰
Cult Baptist src111234140 💰
Angel Knife Male src111232782 💰
Cult Follower Pistolero African American Female src111194010 💰
Cult Follower Sniper Female src313183667 💰
Cult Follower Rocket African American Male src111178561 💰
Truck Classic Rebel M60 Cult src111162512 💰
Truck Classic Rebel Cult src111160078 💰
Cult Follower Sniper Male src212156910 💰
Coupe Classic Sport 01 Basic src111129987 💰
Radar Tower Small With Stairs 177128693 💰
Shelf Radio Rifle Case 15538196 💰
Desk Map Radio Stack 16636845 💰
Wolf Grey Judge src31329439 💰
Rock Small Cover Alpine Forest 07 src21225530 💰
Rock Pile Alpine Forest 04 src11125368 💰
Beacon Sonic Wolf Lit 12224457 💰
Control Room Recording Computer src31319257 💰
Grapple Ledge src11116550 💰
Console Power Control Room src11115234 💰
Registration Board src11115143 💰
Rack Weapon Radio 12214604 💰
Alarm Horns src31314551 💰
Road Sign Stop Main Street src11113298 💰
Sign Portable Stop src11113287 💰
Console Control Room src11112391 💰
Air Conditioner Bomb Shelter src11111271 💰
Alarm Tower src11110031 💰
Sign Crossing Road Wolf src1119883 💰
Sign Vote Hurk src2129714 💰
Air Heater Bomb Shelter src1118864 💰
Garden Trellis Gate 02 src2127170 💰
Console Electronic Old src1116531 💰
Sign Project Edens Gate src1116439 💰
Sign Warning Restricted Area src1116349 💰
Sign County Clinic src1115851 💰
Warrant Cult src1115792 💰
Sign Jail 01 src1115659 💰
Speaker Loud src2125512 💰
Fence Industrial Short Torn src3134945 💰
Fence Industrial Long src281284847 💰
Fence Industrial Short src2124839 💰
Bush Black Calabash 04 src2124273 💰
Walkie Talkie src3133786 💰
Bush Alpine src4143724 💰
Bush Alpine Cedar 01 src1113644 💰
Bush Alpine Cedar 02 src1113582 💰
Bush Alpine Forest Plant src1113423 💰
Rocks Pebbles 01 src1112766 💰
Ladder 14 Steps src1111086 💰
Taking Pictures src111430 💰
Roof Binoculars src111393 💰
Look Out Tower src313385 💰
Sit On Ground Male src111109 💰
Dust Small src11188 💰
Spawn Point src4140 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 13 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 14 1110 💰
Objective Marker src1110 💰
Totals120157 / 70004089681