ps4 map midsummmer night

Outpost map by awacsskyeye (2018-08-03)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 115 objects, spanning 62 different archetypes.

Church Cult Furnished 1219219913133 💰
Getaway Security Berserker Male src2111358346 💰
Getaway Security Assaulter Male src2212353229 💰
Omega Security Assaulter Male src2212349488 💰
Cult Security Assaulter African American Male src111347633 💰
Cult Security Defender African American Male src212263736 💰
Cult Security Defender Male src111258612 💰
Welding Tank Stack 155250500 💰
Cult Security Brawler African American Male src313250339 💰
Biker Security TNT Male src111235723 💰
Field Camo Security TNT Male src2111214632 💰
Aviator Security Rocket Male src111161667 💰
Cult Security Heavy Flammer Male src212158025 💰
Field Camo Security Rocket Male src2212157145 💰
Aviator Security Sniper Male src111155029 💰
Cult Security Rocket African American Male src212147133 💰
Omega Security Rocket Male src2212142134 💰
Omega Security Sniper Male src2212135496 💰
RHIB 50Cal Basic src111118191 💰
House Mobile Valley Extension 177103783 💰
House Mobile Valley 16693905 💰
Convent Small 12268568 💰
Propane Tank Large src11162245 💰
Wreckage Burnt 01 14461105 💰
Logs Construction Cones 16647482 💰
Bags Nitrate 15544170 💰
Tank Scopolamine Stack 02 src11136151 💰
Crates Military Storage 13331743 💰
Container Lumber 13327293 💰
Bonfire Cult Large Lit src71726527 💰
Ammonia Tank Large src11124563 💰
Cupboard Barricade 15523061 💰
Barrels Opened 13321687 💰
Pipe Culvert 5m src11115955 💰
Shed Storage Old src11115262 💰
Propane Tank Single 11114148 💰
Shed Storage Old Red src11113215 💰
Mortar src21211683 💰
Bed Barricade 12210260 💰
Barricade Road Concrete src2127916 💰
Bag Nitrate src4147594 💰
Hedgehog Roadblock src5155924 💰
M2 .50 src1115680 💰
Spotlight Triple Lit src6164877 💰
Garbage Bag Black src101103285 💰
Sandbag Pile Large src4142771 💰
Sandbag Pile Medium 02 src1112563 💰
Sandbag Pile Medium 01 src1112561 💰
Lake src1111923 💰
Ladder 38 Steps src1111156 💰
Ladder 16 Steps src1111092 💰
No thumbnailRush Point - 45 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend Cautious - 44 3130 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
Permanent Objective Marker src1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 50 1110 💰
Bomb Shell src4140 💰
No thumbnailMove And Defend - 12 2120 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 49 2120 💰
Barrel Oil src4140 💰
No thumbnailAlarm - 0 2120 💰
Totals115372 / 70005770339