ps4 map Alpaka 1

Team Deathmatch map by Ne_on6501 (2018-04-12)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 480 objects, spanning 121 different archetypes.

Barbecue Tents 14444207024 💰
Van Delivery Ghost src111142169 💰
Bus County Jail Wheels Windows 1121275066 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Beige Flat 15554652 💰
Car Wrecked 03 Green Flat 15553435 💰
Building G 16 src21245331 💰
Building G 06 src31341318 💰
Building G 20 src11140801 💰
Building G 02 src51538924 💰
Building G 10 src11138881 💰
Building G 13 src31336233 💰
Animal Trailer Closed 23635758 💰
Building G 03 src31335722 💰
Building G 15 src11135720 💰
Bell Tower Small src11134729 💰
Building A 12 src11134262 💰
Building A 15 src11133628 💰
Building A 18 src21233372 💰
Building A 10 src21233372 💰
Building A 03 src21233029 💰
Building A 01 src11133029 💰
Building B 06 src11130812 💰
Windmill Silo src11126986 💰
Building C 09 src41426852 💰
Building C 06 src21226202 💰
Building C 07 src11125945 💰
Trailer Old src21225818 💰
Duck src11125306 💰
Building D 06 src21224579 💰
Bus School Wreck src11123118 💰
Building E 07 src11122787 💰
Building E 03 src51522787 💰
Building E 08 src51522530 💰
Building E 14 src21222530 💰
Burnt House Exterior 01 src11121510 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Blue src11120705 💰
Burnt House Exterior 04 src11120649 💰
Car Wrecked 02 Blue src31319394 💰
County Jail Wall 02 src61619104 💰
Farm Silo Small src11118101 💰
Burnt House Interior 04 src11117872 💰
Farm Silo src11115785 💰
Tree Red Cedar 04 src21214232 💰
Tree Red Cedar Big 02 src11114099 💰
Tree Red Cedar Big 01 src11114093 💰
Tree Ponderosa 05 src61613891 💰
Trailer Broken src11113578 💰
Tree Hemlock 03 src61612417 💰
Fence Chainlink High Barbed Wire Bent 03 src1811810956 💰
Fence Chainlink High Barbed Wire Bent 04 src21210945 💰
Tree Dead Conifer src71710661 💰
Bird Monument src11110078 💰
Magazine Shop src1119181 💰
Radio Tower Section 10m src1119116 💰
Wrecked Car 01 src101108902 💰
Bus Station 03 src1118711 💰
Fence Chainlink High Door src1117848 💰
Wrecked Car 02 src2127791 💰
Cemetery Gate Frame src1116831 💰
Sapline Red Cedar Short src1116343 💰
Cemetery Entrance src481486182 💰
Sign Walk Road src1114820 💰
Land Art Branch Arch src2124359 💰
Bush Black Calabash 04 src1114273 💰
Bush Chokecherry Large src2124196 💰
Bush Water Birch 01 src1113925 💰
Bush Red Dogwood Big src1113864 💰
Bush Snowberry 02 src4143863 💰
Bush Alpine src6163724 💰
Statue Lincoln src1113636 💰
Mountain Water Grass 01 src1113539 💰
Land Art Branches Leaves src2123503 💰
Bush Sugarcane src3133498 💰
Lily Pad Plant 02 src3133463 💰
Bush Aspen src5153163 💰
Sapline Hemlock 03 src7173157 💰
Alpine Flowers src5152871 💰
Alpine Fireweed 01 src8182839 💰
Mountain Grass 03 src4142836 💰
Mountain Grass 01 src5152824 💰
Plant Waterbirch 02 src1112808 💰
Grass Wheat Field src6162807 💰
Intermountain Mixed Grass 03 src4142796 💰
Intermountain Sagebrush src1112763 💰
Intermountain Vines 02 src3132757 💰
Intermountain Vines 01 src141142748 💰
Fence Residential Small src2122732 💰
Bus Station 02 src1112562 💰
Cave Roots 01 src181182134 💰
Bush Cedar Hedge 03 src2121765 💰
Cave Roots 02 src171171451 💰
Datura Flower Single Head src1111402 💰
Vines Dense src191191366 💰
Ladder 38 Steps src2121156 💰
Ponderosa Grass 02 src111784 💰
Floor 20x100x100 src212713 💰
Rock Roots Side src212683 💰
Rock Roots src313683 💰
Bush Tobacco src111295 💰
Red Bush Cliff Large src616201 💰
Red Bush Cliff Small src313190 💰
Red Bush Cliff Medium src515189 💰
Red Vines Hanging Medium src4140 💰
Root Long src1110 💰
Mushrooms Small src4140 💰
Red Vines Swoop Medium src2120 💰
No thumbnailBig Sky 01 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend – 417 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory – 418 1110 💰
Simple Building Big src1110 💰
Omnilight src1110 💰
Red Vines Swoop Large src2120 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
Spawn Point Team 2 src6160 💰
Red Vines Wall Dense Small src311310 💰
Spawn Point Team 1 src7170 💰
Red Vines Ledge Small src1110 💰
Red Vines Hanging Small src241240 💰
Red Vines Hanging Long src211210 💰
Red Vines Wall Dense src4140 💰
Red Vines Corner src1110 💰
Totals480546 / 70001895020