xone map jetrun

Journey map by akatrol (2018-05-23)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5b0555dc15efa61f2839a056
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 813 objects, spanning 105 different archetypes.

Lumber Mill Full 1115011509852828 💰
Train Yard Hangar 11131131252776 💰
Log Pile 4983921129465 💰
Barn Small 02 1148148816058 💰
Warehouse Wreckage 15353433587 💰
Angel Unarmed Male src20120232782 💰
Buggy Bailout src111122363 💰
RHIB Basic src212116115 💰
Admin Building 13398086 💰
Jetski Basic src11195901 💰
Jetski Clutch Nixon src21295900 💰
Orchard Warehouse 13384143 💰
Boathouse Rustic 12259907 💰
Operations Building src11136857 💰
Bunker Checkpoint src31335879 💰
Farm Silo Empty 12234571 💰
Mine Entrance Abandoned src11131290 💰
Dock Wood Ramp src41429332 💰
Arch Gate Hotel src11127884 💰
Rock Large Alpine 02 src1311327596 💰
Cliff Alpine 04 src11127569 💰
Bunker Entrance Exterior src11126462 💰
Yeti src21225672 💰
Log Flume Old Straight src31325497 💰
Silo Wall 03 src11124919 💰
Rock Large Alpine 06 src21224875 💰
Bridge Avalanche Creek src31324487 💰
Animal Trophy Full Grey Wolf src11123258 💰
Log Flume Old Ramp src21221315 💰
Dock Lake Large src1011021115 💰
Dock Park src21220001 💰
Tunnel Mountain Curve src11119446 💰
Mine Structure Old 5x10 src11119107 💰
Pig Festive src9319319068 💰
Cattle Wall Wood 5m src1011017876 💰
Cattle Wall Wood 3m src41417848 💰
Silo Corridor Straight src51517115 💰
Tribe Gate src31316823 💰
Grapple Ledge src1511516550 💰
Garden Trellis 01 src31315249 💰
Clutch Nixon Jump src21214993 💰
Cattle Wall Wood 1m src11113704 💰
Greenhouse src21211611 💰
Fireworks src21211111 💰
Deck Platform src4114110209 💰
Deck Long src911919397 💰
Ramp src111118972 💰
Fortress Wall 5m src241248797 💰
Fortress Wall 3m src191198797 💰
Burial Mound Entrance src2128193 💰
Tower Walls 03 src1117695 💰
Silo Stairs Fence 01 src3137587 💰
Barrel Crate Stack 03 src5157512 💰
Ramp Log Planks src3137409 💰
Garden Trellis Gate 02 src1117170 💰
Bush Rowan src371376997 💰
Toilet Pink src9196852 💰
Toilet Green src151156852 💰
Megalith Section src1116827 💰
Bush Siberian Cypress Snow src461466644 💰
Toilet Compostable src101106418 💰
Ice Cave Bridge src9196145 💰
Rock Shangri La Medium 05 src2126145 💰
Cave Bridge src4146145 💰
Racing Waypoint Finish Air src1115482 💰
Racing Waypoint Finish Land src1115473 💰
Racing Waypoint src1115468 💰
Racing Waypoint Grey src1115465 💰
Wall Town Short 01 src3135176 💰
Bush Chokecherry Large src211214196 💰
Bush Snowberry 02 src3133863 💰
Bush Willow src4143736 💰
Wall Town Short Hole src1113696 💰
Fortification Medium 01 src7173675 💰
Wall Tamang Short Hole src3133525 💰
Datura Flowers src401403517 💰
Mountain Water Grass 02 src7173475 💰
Bush Black Elderberry src201203203 💰
Bush Aspen src231233163 💰
Shrine Rock Stairs Long src1112905 💰
Fence Metal Large src1112899 💰
Alpine Flowers src161162871 💰
Alpine Plant src261262790 💰
Broken Wall Brick 06 src1112733 💰
Broken Wall Brick 07 src1112733 💰
Fence Metal Meduim src4142732 💰
Snow Cornice No Base src2122731 💰
Wall Medium 6m 01 src161162308 💰
Vine Horizontal src1112049 💰
Bush Scopolamine src7171773 💰
Vines Dense src2121366 💰
Suspension Bridge src1111132 💰
Bush Snowberry 01 src414741 💰
Broken Wall Brick 02 src111684 💰
Obelisk Temple Small src414683 💰
Water Wheel Broken 04 src2120 💰
Stalactites Large src2120 💰
No thumbnailDesert 1110 💰
Frozen Waterfall Wall src6160 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
No thumbnailExtraction Zone 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 33 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 32 1110 💰
Burial Mound Floor Small src3130 💰
Burial Mound Floor src6160 💰
Totals8132667 / 700015335997