Journey map by Callsign_Mako (2018-05-07)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/pc/map/5aefccfc94a9bb4b4809c296
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 91 objects, spanning 54 different archetypes.

Cabin Large Furnished 12822822455854 💰
Cabin Abandoned 11971971114392 💰
Church Cult Furnished 1219219913133 💰
Cabin Abandoned Small 1112112867589 💰
House Burnt 12222272399 💰
Angel Unarmed Female src414239732 💰
Angel Shovel Female src111239732 💰
Angel Hammer Female src111239732 💰
Angel Knife Female src111239732 💰
Angel Shovel Male src111232782 💰
Angel Hoe Male src212232782 💰
Angel Knife Male src212232782 💰
Angel Unarmed Male src111232782 💰
Helicopter Medium Willis src111108324 💰
Car Wrecked 02 Green Flat 15553395 💰
Corpse Female src11153373 💰
Corpse Driver src11153303 💰
Corpse Chair 11148031 💰
Corpse Holding Knees src11147966 💰
Corpse Arms Legs Attached src11140216 💰
Cabin Railing Broken src11129932 💰
Wolf Grey Judge src31329439 💰
Corpse Cross 12229007 💰
Cabin Railing Long src81827886 💰
Pillar Small Lit src11123291 💰
Pipe src11122178 💰
Shovel src11122030 💰
Fire Torch Long Lit src2112112850 💰
1911 src11112649 💰
Fire Patch 02 src11112365 💰
45/70 src11112324 💰
Fire Torch Lit src11112166 💰
Ammo Pickup src11110429 💰
Wolf Judge Carcass src1118149 💰
Electric Cable Fallen Tangled src1114287 💰
Fire Patch 03 src2122736 💰
Decal Blood Large Dry src1112395 💰
Body Sheet Covered src1111538 💰
Ladder 22 Steps src1111110 💰
Decal Blood Splatter Large 01 src212689 💰
Decal Blood Medium 01 src111689 💰
Dead Body Frozen 01 src111683 💰
Decal Blood Medium 02 src111347 💰
Decal Blood Splatter Medium 02 src111347 💰
Decal Blood Splatter Small 01 src11191 💰
Objective Marker src2120 💰
Yak Head src1110 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
No thumbnailExtraction Zone 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 1 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 2 1110 💰
Bharal Carcass Bloody Beheaded src1110 💰
Bharal Head src1110 💰
No thumbnailBig Sky 07 1110 💰
Totals91923 / 70008197638