xone map Enclosed 1

Assault map by tyhoneycutter (2018-03-30)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5abdac2415efa634f8ab396a
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 407 objects, spanning 106 different archetypes.

Cabin Abandoned Small 1112112867589 💰
Bunker Center 1153153749097 💰
Aviator Security Assaulter Male src111346823 💰
Cult Security Berserker Male src212346026 💰
Research Tent Full 15555283961 💰
Garage Furnished 14141271576 💰
Cult Security Defender African American Male src212263736 💰
Cult Security Defender Male src212258612 💰
Cult Security Heavy Gunner Male src111257269 💰
Cult Security Hunter Male src111255528 💰
Joseph Seed src111252817 💰
Cult Security Brawler Male src111245330 💰
Gas Pump 11515239974 💰
Bunker Bedroom Bathroom 14242233235 💰
Bunker Bedroom 14040227974 💰
Cult Security Pistolero African American Male src111144876 💰
Cult Security Sniper African American Male src111137345 💰
Buggy Basic src111122365 💰
Garage Commercial Opened 15585484 💰
Ammo Pile src41473324 💰
Table Covered Breakfast 1202065266 💰
Display Case Cult Books 19953278 💰
Bomb Shelter Stairs 23650769 💰
Table Break 1131347578 💰
Security Post Green src11137942 💰
Crate Weapon Shelf 14437438 💰
Counter Reception Bell 18834692 💰
Mine Structure Old 90Corner 5m 12233925 💰
Crates Military Storage 13331743 💰
Gas Station src11130520 💰
American Black Bear src1611629874 💰
Corpse Cross 32629007 💰
Filing Cabinet Coffee Machine 17728975 💰
Mine Structure Old T 5m src21226086 💰
Garden Trellis Gate 03 src21222407 💰
Bolted Pipe src11122390 💰
Aluminium Bat src11122009 💰
Paddle src11121997 💰
Propane Tank Raised 12221774 💰
Walkway Makeshift src11120577 💰
Mine Structure Old 45Corner 5m 22419988 💰
Mine Structure Old Tunnel 5x5 src61619895 💰
Mine Structure Old Door src31319659 💰
Mine Structure Old 5x10 src11119107 💰
Air Compressor src21218455 💰
Soda Vending Machine src11116996 💰
Rock Large Intermountain 07 src11116897 💰
Bomb Shelter Container Wall src11116768 💰
Rock Large Intermountain 05 src11116701 💰
Door Dynamic Blue src11116608 💰
Corpse Burnt Pile src11115661 💰
Crate Weapons src31314627 💰
Alarm Horns src11114551 💰
Rock Large Intermountain 06 src21213951 💰
Jukebox src11113364 💰
Farm Silo Elevated src11113250 💰
Door Dynamic Bathroom src41412860 💰
Fire Patch 02 src11112365 💰
Baseball Bat src11111689 💰
Drink Dispenser Vintage src11111567 💰
Chair Office src11111193 💰
Fence Chainlink High Barbed Wire Bent 03 src41410956 💰
Fence Chainlink High Barbed Wire src110111010095 💰
Alarm Tower src11110031 💰
Camera Tripod src2129714 💰
Bench Fancy src1119479 💰
Hose Gas Pump Extension src1119163 💰
Ice Box Large src1119095 💰
Tree Bliss Dead 07 src1118300 💰
Display Counter 1m src1118129 💰
Mine Entrance Concrete src2127685 💰
Vent Chimney src1117672 💰
Box Trolley 1227641 💰
Banner Adderon Performance src1117542 💰
Sofa Worn src1117120 💰
Door Dynamic Exterior src3136589 💰
Cash Register Old src1116588 💰
Idle Guard Relax src1116450 💰
Case Electronic Console src1116078 💰
Chains Hanging src1115565 💰
Coast Rock Large 01 src1112732 💰
Lake src2121923 💰
Camera src2121874 💰
Entrance Key Bunker src1111499 💰
Smoke Patch src4141368 💰
Box Plastic Wrapped src3131182 💰
Ladder 18 Steps src2121098 💰
Idle Security 02 src111709 💰
Idle Guard Roof src313568 💰
Boots src111557 💰
Electrical Sparks Fountain src111520 💰
Cautious Idle 03 src414422 💰
Exhausted src111392 💰
Cautious Look Around 01 src111344 💰
Look Around src313342 💰
Poke Corpse src212330 💰
Indifferent Corpse Interaction src212309 💰
Idle Relax 01 src111121 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
No thumbnailAlpine 1110 💰
No thumbnailCirrus 04 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend Cautious - 240 5150 💰
No thumbnailMyst Patch Small 01 171170 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 1 1110 💰
No thumbnailMyst Patch Big 01 3130 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 2 10611060 💰
Totals407931 / 70006827522