xone map lit

Team Deathmatch map by WHYFl (2018-03-30)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5abe74e715efa685941414a0
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 212 objects, spanning 78 different archetypes.

Ammo Pile src31373324 💰
Corpse Security Pistolero src11158304 💰
Corpse Arms T src11147537 💰
Corpse Face Down Arms Up src11147325 💰
Corpse Hunter src11143158 💰
Building G 20 src11140801 💰
Building G 05 src11138795 💰
Building B 07 src11136022 💰
Building G 15 src11135720 💰
AK47-M src11133459 💰
Building A 09 src21233412 💰
Corpse Generic Sitting Wall src21232942 💰
Corpse Generic Lying src21229863 💰
Building B 01 src11126971 💰
Building C 07 src21225945 💰
Building F 10 src11122529 💰
Building F 14 src11122529 💰
Building F 02 src11122529 💰
Building F 03 src21222529 💰
Building F 04 src11122529 💰
Socket Pipe src21222395 💰
Bolted Pipe src41422390 💰
Pipe src61622178 💰
Aluminium Bat src41422009 💰
AR-C L src11113056 💰
308 Carbine src11112902 💰
1911 src81812649 💰
P226 src81812644 💰
AR-C src11112357 💰
45/70 src11112324 💰
AK47 src11112322 💰
MAC11 src81812226 💰
Medkit src51511997 💰
A99 src81811859 💰
Baseball Bat src21211689 💰
Wrecked Car 01 src9198902 💰
Wrecked Car 02 src4147791 💰
Container Open src1117611 💰
Parking Meter src6164782 💰
Body Armor src5154224 💰
Donation Bin src1112732 💰
Bus Station 02 src1112562 💰
Decal Blood Large src1112391 💰
Trash Can src2122126 💰
Recycling Bin src2122093 💰
Dumpster 02 src5151655 💰
Concrete Debris Big Pile src1111583 💰
Newspapers Box 02 src1111064 💰
Newspapers Box 01 src1111025 💰
Fire Hydrant src212364 💰
Decal Graffiti 09 src111345 💰
Decal Graffiti 12 src111342 💰
Decal Graffiti 04 src111342 💰
Decal Graffiti 10 src111342 💰
Decal Graffiti 11 src111342 💰
Decal Graffiti 15 src111342 💰
Decal Graffiti 01 src111342 💰
Decal Graffiti 03 src111342 💰
Decal Graffiti 08 src111342 💰
Sidewalk Trap Door src111262 💰
Decal Pile Newspaper src20120188 💰
Decal Garage 1 src111174 💰
Street Power Box src212147 💰
Power System src11192 💰
Electrical Sparks Spray src21269 💰
Light Street On src5150 💰
Decal Leaves 01 src7170 💰
Sidewalk Grid src1110 💰
Decal Leaves 4 src4140 💰
Decal Leaves 3 src2120 💰
Light Street Off src1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 3 2120 💰
Spawn Point Team 1 src8180 💰
No thumbnailCirrus 04 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 2 2120 💰
Simple Building Small src2120 💰
Spawn Point Team 2 src6160 💰
Decal Leaves 2 src6160 💰
Totals212212 / 7000996138