xone map Hostage Farm

Assault map by Meaty Thumper (2018-03-30)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5abeb2f0ab672533288d9212
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 425 objects, spanning 108 different archetypes.

Animal Pen 1130130730093 💰
Scout Security Assaulter Male src2717370009 💰
Scout Security Assaulter Male src414370009 💰
Survivalist Security Assaulter Male src2313369086 💰
Civilian African American Female src111339056 💰
Civilian Female src111326603 💰
Cult Butcher src3111312158 💰
Survivalist Security Defender Male src2313280522 💰
Scout Security Brawler Male src212274430 💰
House Burnt 12222272399 💰
Cult Security Heavy Gunner Male src3111257269 💰
Chosen Defender src2212251435 💰
Chosen Defender src3313251435 💰
Civilian Male src111248379 💰
Angel Hammer Female src111239732 💰
Angel Knife Female src111239732 💰
Cult Trainer src3111236240 💰
Angel Unarmed Male src414232782 💰
Angel Hoe Male src111232782 💰
Angel Hammer Male src111232782 💰
Scout Security Pistolero Male src212175266 💰
Scout Security Rocket Male src212173168 💰
Scout Security Sniper Male src2212167583 💰
Scout Security Sniper Male src313167583 💰
Grain Elevator Abandoned 12294337 💰
School Bus Sign Wreckage 1101081872 💰
Bus County Jail Wheels 16658614 💰
Operations Building src11136857 💰
Windmill 12232618 💰
Animal Shelter src11130334 💰
Wood Debris src11129631 💰
Dead Tree Large src11129309 💰
Irrigation Reservoir Tower src11128647 💰
Greenhouse Large src11126687 💰
Car Stack Crushed 03 src11125515 💰
Car Stack Crushed 01 src21225500 💰
Sticks Rocks Antlers src11125356 💰
Fallen Tree 01 src11121858 💰
Burnt House Exterior 04 src11120649 💰
Tree Fallen 02 src11118592 💰
Branches Leaves Debris src91918360 💰
Dead Tree 2m50 src11118268 💰
Dead Tree 4m src21217515 💰
Tree Aspen Yellow 06 src1611616499 💰
Alpine Forest Stump 05 src21216496 💰
Tree Juniper 03 src11115655 💰
Tree Aspen Yellow 05 src61615437 💰
Burnt House Rubble 02 src11115101 💰
Tree Red Cedar 03 src41414786 💰
Railroad Rail Pile src11114219 💰
Tree Ponderosa 04 src71713903 💰
Tree Ponderosa 03 src3613613710 💰
Waterfall Small Splash Bottom src31313342 💰
Tree Ponderosa 02 src1711713008 💰
Cart Wood Missing Wheel src11112956 💰
Tree Hemlock 04 src2412412643 💰
Tree Red Cedar 02 src21212606 💰
Tree Red Cedar 01 src21212595 💰
Tree Ponderosa 01 src11112580 💰
Tree Hemlock 03 src1611612417 💰
Ruins Building Corner 01 src11111774 💰
Fallen Tree 05 src11111272 💰
Spruce Broken src11110930 💰
Tree Dead Conifer src3613610661 💰
Tree Black Spruce Dead 01 src1311310072 💰
Tree Rowan src1119551 💰
Ruins Building Corner 05 src1119487 💰
Ruins Building Small 02 src1119144 💰
Truck Civilian src1118043 💰
Branches Dead Medium src4147944 💰
Tree Dogwood 01 src4147361 💰
Abandoned Truck src1117222 💰
Truck Wreck 01 src1117081 💰
Sky Dive Plane src1116851 💰
Bridge Wood Medium 02 src5156836 💰
Branches Dead Large src391396407 💰
Birch Broken src1116065 💰
Car Rim Rusted src1115664 💰
Hunting Tree Stand src1115627 💰
Helicopter Wreckage Frozen src1115391 💰
Cart Wood Broken src1115354 💰
Car Wrecked src1114754 💰
Birch Claw Marks src1114440 💰
Ruins Building Wall 03 src1114358 💰
Branch Birch Large src3133931 💰
Truck Wreck 03 src1113761 💰
Bush Alpine Cedar 01 src211213644 💰
Tire Stack Old src1113398 💰
Bush Aspen src7173163 💰
Sapling Aspen Small src6163041 💰
Branch Curved src1113020 💰
Mountain Grass 01 src2122824 💰
Mountain Forest Stump 02 src4142185 💰
Bush Cedar Hedge 01 src151151765 💰
Bush Water Birch 03 src2121251 💰
Waterfall Large Splash Top src9191049 💰
Spit src111325 💰
Cautious Use Flare No Weapon src111294 💰
Cautious Unjam Gun src111241 💰
Sadistic Aim Hostage Pistol src111183 💰
Long Boat Wood src11186 💰
Spawn Point src4140 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 5 2120 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 6 1110 💰
Objective Marker src1110 💰
Branch Dead src1110 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
No thumbnailBig Sky 01 1110 💰
Totals425591 / 70007845455