Assault map by RileivedIsland (2018-11-17)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5bef8b2230102336dc6a801c
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 97 objects, spanning 18 different archetypes.

Badass Resistant Assaulter Female src414333541 💰
Behemoth src20120318599 💰
Ammo Pile src2012073324 💰
6P9 src11113297 💰
M249 src11113277 💰
BP2 src11113029 💰
SPAS-12 src11112957 💰
RAT4 src11112571 💰
MP34 src11112337 💰
M-16 src11112327 💰
BZ19 src11112130 💰
SVD src11111885 💰
Body Armor src301304224 💰
MG42 src1112976 💰
Spawn Point src2120 💰
Military Medkit src9190 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 90 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 91 1110 💰
Totals9797 / 7000846474