xone map 347 house tdm

Team Deathmatch map by MasterTacca (2024-06-19)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/667232c7d48d347ffc057221
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 480 objects, spanning 121 different archetypes.

Lumber Mill Full 1115011509852828 💰
Shed Stone Tools 13535416475 💰
Scrapyard Furnitures 13232249085 💰
Bus County Jail Wheels Windows 2122475066 💰
Cabin Small 01 Dark 12269424 💰
Farm House 12267647 💰
Garbage Pile Scrap 18862407 💰
Wreckage Burnt 01 14461105 💰
Garage Closed 12259780 💰
Garage Residential 12259480 💰
Bus County Jail Wheels 16658614 💰
Garage 12257542 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Light Blue Flat 351554706 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Grey Flat 251054659 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Blue Flat 15554659 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Beige Flat 251054652 💰
Shed Water Utility 15553993 💰
Car Wrecked 03 Green Flat 15553435 💰
Car Wrecked 03 Red Flat 351553435 💰
Car Wrecked 02 Blue Flat 15553395 💰
Car Wrecked 03 Orange Flat 15553388 💰
Car Wrecked 03 Grey Flat 251053388 💰
Car Wrecked 02 Beige Flat 15553348 💰
Bus School Wheels Windows 2122450906 💰
House Decorated 02 563048934 💰
Table Break 1131347578 💰
Wreckage Burnt 02 13346004 💰
Sofa Chairs Pizza 1131345575 💰
Table Lunch Trashed 1121238263 💰
Desk Map Radio Stack 261236845 💰
Shed 01 Grey 12235780 💰
Car Lift Wrecked 13332628 💰
Stand Vegetables Fruits 14430761 💰
Dog src11127144 💰
Cabin Small 01 Awning 02 src11127131 💰
Shed Wooden Small src31326923 💰
Table Exterior 16626408 💰
Alpine Cut Tree src41425353 💰
Sawmill Portable src11123546 💰
Bus School Wreck src21223118 💰
Forklift Wood Pallets 22423007 💰
Workbench Feet Boxes 16622303 💰
Slide Playground Old src11121281 💰
Pipe Bomb src31321101 💰
Chairs Exterior Beer 15520873 💰
Porch src11120841 💰
Car Wrecked 03 Burnt src11120803 💰
Wood Metal Pile 24818933 💰
Window 255x140 Wood Planks src21218529 💰
Food Truck Meat src21217691 💰
Campfire src11116855 💰
Wood Pallet Pile src2412416519 💰
Tree Aspen Yellow 06 src11116499 💰
Alpine Forest Stump 05 src31316496 💰
Alpine Forest Stump 04 src11116474 💰
Junk Pile src71716191 💰
Tree Red Cedar Big 02 src11114099 💰
Tree Red Cedar Big 01 src21214093 💰
Flower Pot Yellow 1723414023 💰
Flower Pot Wood Light 42814013 💰
Carport Double src11113858 💰
Smoke Car src2112113663 💰
Tree Aspen 04 src11113044 💰
Alpine Broken Tree 01 src11112627 💰
Tree Aspen Yellow 01 src11112496 💰
Bed Rustic Double Messy 32612407 💰
Rooftop AC Unit src11112330 💰
Tree Aspen 02 src41412294 💰
Crane Engine src11111957 💰
Grenade src11111753 💰
Mailbox Green src11110646 💰
Fortress Building Large 01 src31310508 💰
Fortress Building Large 02 src31310508 💰
Smoke Grenade src61610451 💰
Garbage Bin Park Trashed 1229562 💰
Piano src1119057 💰
Rock Snow Small Cluster 03 src5158877 💰
Alpine Broken Tree 03 src2128264 💰
Dynamite src1117934 💰
Recycle Bin src1117749 💰
Platform Wood Blocker src4147570 💰
Sofa Worn src1117120 💰
Molotov src7176994 💰
Door Barn Medium src1116981 💰
Dog Kennel Large src1116927 💰
Myst Patch Small 01 src451456831 💰
Bush Mango 04 src2126426 💰
Cabinet Wood Worn src1116202 💰
Cage Animal Small src1115758 💰
Grill Camp src1115632 💰
Table Wood src1114821 💰
Garbage Pile src2124384 💰
Bush Black Calabash 04 src241244273 💰
Garbage Bin Plastic Trashed 1224233 💰
Bush Chokecherry Large src5154196 💰
Branch Birch Large src2123931 💰
Bush Alpine src7173724 💰
Bricks Pile src2123483 💰
Bush Wild Rhododendron src7173269 💰
Bush Black Elderberry src5153203 💰
Bush Thimbleberries src3133201 💰
Bush Aspen src201203163 💰
Bush Arctic Fire src111113145 💰
Window 120x140 Wood Placarded src1112746 💰
Eagle Nest src1112654 💰
Can Food Stack src1112500 💰
Safe src1112249 💰
Can Food Stack Dog src3131418 💰
Smoke Ambiant src101101370 💰
Bush Black Calabash 03 src1111051 💰
Bush Black Calabash 01 src818935 💰
Garbage Pile Interior src111580 💰
Branch Burned 02 src1110 💰
Permanent Objective Marker src2120 💰
Brach Albizia Burned Dead Root src1110 💰
Fence Old Platform 02 src691690 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 15 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 14 2120 💰
Spawn Point Team 2 src9190 💰
Spawn Point Team 1 src8180 💰
Region Damage Over Time src101100 💰
Totals4801956 / 700012986987