ps4 map sandbox

Assault map by allied430temper (2024-06-03)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 231 objects, spanning 119 different archetypes.

Fertilizer Plant Furnished 17127126016729 💰
Cabin Large Furnished 12822822455854 💰
House Trashed 15858489816 💰
Badass Follower Assaulter Male src315115355046 💰
Field Camo Security Assaulter Male src2313350687 💰
Cult Security Assaulter Male src422122340909 💰
Cult Security Assaulter Male src717340909 💰
Civilian African American Female src212339056 💰
Civilian Female src414326603 💰
Badass Follower Brawler Female src2111304166 💰
Civilian African American Male src212272752 💰
Civilian Male src212248379 💰
Cult Security Tn T Male src4818191042 💰
Plane Combat Affirmation src111166538 💰
Plane Combat Dogfighter src111166537 💰
Barn Large Full Ceiling 188166294 💰
Scrapyard Car Pallets 11818141321 💰
RZR src111138184 💰
Cult Security Pistolero Male src2212132235 💰
Coupe Signature 01 Basic src212128223 💰
Cult Security Sniper Male src4717126917 💰
Cult Security Sniper Male src2212126917 💰
Buggy Combat Basic src111122361 💰
Helicopter Medium Combat Basic src111108324 💰
Helicopter Medium Combat Cult src111108323 💰
Barn Red Empty Opened 144103150 💰
Hatchling Soldier src11177910 💰
House Large 13375618 💰
Barn Small Open 14475587 💰
Ammo Pile src41473324 💰
Bear Zombie src11168482 💰
Queen src11168412 💰
Farm House 12267647 💰
Moose Zombie src11157783 💰
Ramp Car Mecanic 16655791 💰
Cult Effigy Tank src11154274 💰
Generic Propane Tank Large src11153177 💰
Welding Tank src81850100 💰
Blood Dragon Easy src11147675 💰
Wolverine Zombie src21244407 💰
Farm Silo src11137849 💰
Stand Carrots 542037832 💰
Tank Scopolamine Stack 04 src21236642 💰
Wolf Zombie src21235907 💰
Animal Trailer Closed 13335758 💰
Bags Sand Pallets 341235368 💰
Car Lift Wrecked 13332628 💰
Bags Sand Lamps 16632305 💰
Arch Gate Hotel src11127884 💰
Yeti src11125672 💰
Crane Broken Trailer 12225535 💰
Car Stack Crushed 02 src31325515 💰
Ammonia Tank Large src11124563 💰
Trailer src11124433 💰
Water Tank Large src41423974 💰
Sawmill Portable src11123546 💰
Bus School Wreck src11123118 💰
Bunk Bed Military Boots 15522740 💰
Propane Tank Raised 32621774 💰
Obstacle Tower src11120919 💰
Arch Gate Wood Eagle 12217990 💰
Food Truck Meat src11117691 💰
Bed Sleeping Bag Pillow 341216326 💰
Log Stacks 15515184 💰
Clutch Nixon Jump src21214993 💰
Martian Tank Explosive Vertical src11114775 💰
Bed Undone Sheets 16614290 💰
Iron Lung src31314139 💰
Container Long Orange src11114071 💰
Container Long Blue src11114071 💰
Container Long Red src11114068 💰
M-79 src11113101 💰
Dam Generator Large src11113055 💰
RPG7 Modern src11112776 💰
RAT4 src11112571 💰
MBP .50 src11112322 💰
SA-50 Super src11112174 💰
SA-50 src11112172 💰
SVD src11111885 💰
Lockers Metal 02 src11111837 💰
Mortar src11111683 💰
Workbench Feet Garage Supplies 531510764 💰
Rack Weapon src11110403 💰
Container No Doors src31310390 💰
Bed Barricade 12210260 💰
Trailer Canopy src1119709 💰
Container Short Blue Light src1119260 💰
Container Short Green src1119260 💰
Container Short Green Light src1119260 💰
Radioactive Storage Tank src3137256 💰
Ramp Auto Display src1116636 💰
M2 .50 src1115680 💰
Gate Hospital Fence Small src2125580 💰
Planter Cover src3135524 💰
Barrier Concrete Low 4m src2124809 💰
Bed Queen src1113020 💰
Arch Gate Pood Poles Small src1112831 💰
Destructible Tube Broken 250x500 src1112336 💰
Destructible Cylinder Broken 250x500 src1112327 💰
Destructible Cylinder Broken 100x500 src1112316 💰
Destructible Pyramid Broken 500x250 src1112309 💰
Destructible Pyramid Broken 500x500 src2122282 💰
Destructible Tube 100x500 src1112248 💰
Destructible Tube 250x500 src2122248 💰
Destructible Cylinder 250x500 src2122242 💰
Destructible Duct Passage 150x150x150 src1112240 💰
Destructible Cylinder 100x500 src1112240 💰
Destructible Pillar 800x100x100 src1112239 💰
Destructible Pillar 400x150x150 src1112239 💰
Destructible Wall 400x800x20 src1112238 💰
Destructible Wall 500x400x20 src1112238 💰
Destructible Pyramid 500x500 src1112238 💰
Destructible Pyramid 500x250 src1112238 💰
Destructible Cube 400 src1112222 💰
Ladder 20 Steps src1111104 💰
No thumbnailRush Point - 181 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 39 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 38 1110 💰
Spawn Point src2120 💰
Totals2311389 / 700015662781