xone map Mission 2024

Outpost map by Natalka6892 (2024-06-02)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/665c5dba468c343a745a3c0b
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 212 objects, spanning 86 different archetypes.

Radar Tower 14314313120198 💰
Grand View Hotel Empty 13013013077637 💰
Warehouse Mechanical Exterior 14254252551330 💰
Cabin Large Furnished 12822822455854 💰
Convenience Store Abandoned 12852851662425 💰
Barn Large Mechanic 11991991223007 💰
Lookout Tower Furnished 4112448790545 💰
Hangar Corrugated Habitated 1120120782001 💰
Lodge Closed 17373615912 💰
Getaway Security Berserker Male src111358346 💰
Getaway Security Berserker Male src2818358346 💰
Getaway Security Assaulter Male src616353229 💰
Getaway Security Defender Male src313276515 💰
Getaway Security Brawler Male src2212263233 💰
John Seed src313238612 💰
Angel Knife Male src212232782 💰
Getaway Security TNT Male src2515217643 💰
Cabin Medium 01 166184968 💰
Getaway Security Heavy Flammer Male src2212182750 💰
Getaway Security Heavy Flammer Male src515182750 💰
Cabin Medium 02 Closed 22040165643 💰
Getaway Security Pistolero Male src313159522 💰
Getaway Security Pistolero Male src210110159522 💰
Offroad Modern 50Cal Hurk Father src212155196 💰
Getaway Security Sniper Male src2414154204 💰
Rustic Bar 155128799 💰
Buggy Basic src212122365 💰
Cult Chemist src111111426 💰
House Corrugated Roof 251098701 💰
Ammo Pile src91973324 💰
Fire Pit Setup 3113368242 💰
Barrel Explosive Directionnal src41467705 💰
Hay Pile Sign 1141462105 💰
Barbecue Setup Large 1111156535 💰
Barrels Wooden 251049515 💰
Baskets Fruits 19944752 💰
Bunker Checkpoint src11135879 💰
Water Tower Large 11132771 💰
Attack Dog src21231151 💰
Bus School Wreck src21223118 💰
Hay Bale Round Stack Large 1101022944 💰
Workbench Feet Boxes 16622303 💰
Picnic Table Cans 251021136 💰
Chairs Exterior Beer 15520873 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Light Blue src11120705 💰
Lamp Post Street Lit src1011018421 💰
Dumpster Lumber Mill src11117341 💰
Tire Stack Large 251017034 💰
Battery Array Small src11116772 💰
Tree Aspen Yellow 05 src31315437 💰
Tree Juniper 02 src11115314 💰
Tree Aspen Yellow 07 src11113299 💰
Tree Aspen 07 src21213287 💰
Fence Post Pile Wood Large src21213261 💰
Hay Bale Small Wall 351513201 💰
Lamp Oil Large Lit src11112666 💰
Medkit src11111997 💰
Bridge Steel src41411556 💰
Hay Bale Round Stack 23611194 💰
Garbage Bin Park Trashed 1229562 💰
Crate Pumpkins 2249061 💰
Can Food Pack Blue Boxes src3137127 💰
Dog Kennel Large src1116927 💰
Crate Black Pile Stacked src2126828 💰
Crate Corn Closed src1114856 💰
Light Spotlight Lit src3134547 💰
Hay Bale Stacked src2124348 💰
Body Armor src1114224 💰
Bush Arctic Fire src7173145 💰
Bag Soil Pallet src1112963 💰
Bag Soil Pile src1112875 💰
Sandbag Pile Large src201202771 💰
Hay Pile src2122609 💰
Sandbag Pile Medium 02 src1112563 💰
Lake src3131923 💰
Crate Black src1111806 💰
Palm Coconut Burned 02 src1110 💰
Tree Banana Burned Large src2120 💰
Coral Rock Medium 02 src1110 💰
Tree Palm Coconut Burned Medium src2120 💰
Tree Spanish Cedar src2120 💰
No thumbnailTerritory – 208 1110 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend – 207 1110 💰
No thumbnailAlarm – 90 4140 💰
Totals2122941 / 700021315434