xone map Ferme 2

Outpost map by leloupgris99 (2024-06-01)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/665b58b8ee95343ce85288d1
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 373 objects, spanning 63 different archetypes.

Animal Pen 1130130730093 💰
Cult Priestess src4212326563 💰
Cult Follower Defender Female src3414293217 💰
Cult Follower Defender Female src818293217 💰
Cult Follower Defender Female src2414293217 💰
Cult Follower Defender Male src2414265117 💰
Cult Follower Defender Male src3414265117 💰
Cult Follower Defender Male src818265117 💰
Cult Baptist src4212234140 💰
Greenhouse Full 22958190179 💰
Cult Follower Pistolero Female src2212183522 💰
Cult Follower Pistolero Female src414183522 💰
Cult Follower Pistolero Female src3212183522 💰
Truck Classic Rebel 50Cal Cult src414162512 💰
Cult Follower Pistolero Male src414156766 💰
Cult Follower Pistolero Male src2212156766 💰
Cult Follower Pistolero Male src3212156766 💰
Barn Medium Closed 2612141578 💰
Tractor Mulcher Cult src414125295 💰
Cult Chemist src4111111426 💰
Crate Apple Stack 5735101419 💰
Hay Stacks Wall Large 2275487952 💰
Storage Barn 1141485985 💰
Pallets Wheelbarrow 674263940 💰
Hay Bale Square 1242459794 💰
Baskets Fruits 291844752 💰
Shed Valley Closed 13341474 💰
Crates Apples Double 23630579 💰
Greenhouse Large src11126687 💰
Shed Large src31325648 💰
Carport Open Small src31323612 💰
Water Tanks Small src31322925 💰
Crate Apples Low src41420435 💰
Greenhouse Support src41418786 💰
Wood Chipper src21217976 💰
Table Picnic src81816742 💰
Wheelbarrow src21213384 💰
Fence Post Pile Wood Large src31313261 💰
Crate Apples 3226412869 💰
Tree Aspen 01 src4414412488 💰
Lawn Mower src21212261 💰
Crate Pumpkins 4289061 💰
Garden Bed Uncovered src6168973 💰
Hose Reel src2127850 💰
Hay Stack Covered src5157803 💰
Shed Storage src2127095 💰
Small Apple Tree 01 src201206931 💰
Table Greenhouse Large src2126289 💰
Workshop Bench src1114143 💰
Bush Alpine src481483724 💰
Bush Alpine Cedar 02 src8183582 💰
Bag Soil Pallet src421422963 💰
Hay Bale Round Stack 01 src181181774 💰
Bush Black Calabash 02 src414890 💰
Flower Package Stack Large src313751 💰
No thumbnailRush Point - 335 1110 💰
Script - 336 src1110 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 1 1110 💰
No thumbnailBig Sky 05 1110 💰
Trigger Event src3130 💰
No thumbnailAlarm - 238 2120 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 0 1110 💰
Totals373780 / 70005542450