xone map Hmy house

Deathmatch map by TheBoomDiggity1 (2024-05-27)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/6654da044097343adcd5ef4f
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 772 objects, spanning 114 different archetypes.

House Small Furnished 12352351226161 💰
Cabin Abandoned 11971971114392 💰
House Large Exterior 18383522489 💰
Truck Classic Farm Cargo Basic src111191593 💰
Warehouse Long Opened 166169874 💰
Offroad Modern Basic src111154375 💰
Van Delivery Ghost src111142169 💰
RZR src111138184 💰
Coupe Classic Sport 01 Basic src111129987 💰
Coupe Classic Muscle 01 Basic src111119102 💰
House Mobile Valley 16693905 💰
House Mobile Large 14492639 💰
RV Trashed 01 1151584139 💰
Garbage Pile Scrap 18862407 💰
Garage Closed 12259780 💰
Scrapyard Corner Trailer 16659290 💰
Workbench Poster 19947252 💰
Desk Mechanic 18844773 💰
Scaffolds Metal Tubes 15540435 💰
Office Awning src11139088 💰
Greenhouse Half 14437439 💰
Shed Medium Closed 12236565 💰
Shed 01 White 22436463 💰
Shed Wooden Small Green src11130353 💰
Animal Shelter src31330334 💰
Shed Valley Green 12225435 💰
Shelter Open src31324876 💰
Toolbox Fly Display 24824711 💰
Carport Open Small src21223612 💰
Door Barn Corner src11123392 💰
Trellis Garden src21222649 💰
Bridge Rail Support src51521287 💰
Cage Prison Small 22420468 💰
Bridge Rail Middle src81819006 💰
Fence Animal Cover src2412418553 💰
Bridge Rail Middle Track src2612618010 💰
Tree Aspen 06 src31316504 💰
Tree Aspen 05 src31316393 💰
Junk Pile src31316191 💰
Door Dynamic Torture Room src21215509 💰
Step Platform src11115072 💰
Tree Juniper 01 src11115025 💰
Tree Aspen 03 src31314862 💰
Tree Red Cedar 04 src11114232 💰
Tree Red Cedar Big 02 src31314099 💰
Tree Red Cedar Big 01 src21214093 💰
Container Long Blue src11114071 💰
Flower Pot Yellow 12214023 💰
Flower Pot Green 12214020 💰
Flower Pot Red 12214013 💰
Flower Pot Wood Light 12214013 💰
Flower Pot Wood 12214013 💰
Trailer Broken src11113578 💰
Tree Aspen 07 src11113287 💰
Small Apple Tree 02 src31313087 💰
AR-C L src11113056 💰
M133 src11112935 💰
308 Carbine src11112902 💰
.44 Magnum Long src11112717 💰
.44 Magnum src11112715 💰
Tree Cottonwood 02 src11112659 💰
1911 src11112649 💰
Tree Ponderosa 01 src31312580 💰
Compound Bow src11112565 💰
Tree Aspen 01 src11112488 💰
Debris Wood src21212408 💰
Fence Animal src21212393 💰
Recurve Bow src11112310 💰
Tree Aspen 02 src11112294 💰
P08 src11111972 💰
Wall Stone 01 End 01 src21211690 💰
Baseball Bat src11111689 💰
Mailbox Green src11110646 💰
Fence Temporary src31310380 💰
Wall Stone 02 5m src11110336 💰
Wall Stone 02 Broken End src11110325 💰
Wall Stone 02 2m50 src7617610308 💰
Dresser Worn src1118964 💰
Scrap Metal Pile src2128464 💰
Wall Stone 01 Broken End src8187586 💰
Wall Stone 01 2m50 src141147569 💰
Tree Dogwood 01 src1117361 💰
Mexican Fan Palm 02 src2126980 💰
Mexican Fan Palm 03 src1116976 💰
Small Apple Tree 01 src1116931 💰
Tree Dogwood 02 src1116727 💰
Table Saw src1116670 💰
Bed Rustic Double src1116486 💰
Bridge Mcdonald Base src7176437 💰
Mexican Fan Palm Small 01 src1116356 💰
Hunting Tree Stand src2125627 💰
Fence 3m src2125527 💰
Fence Animal Red src871875517 💰
Light Attachment Two Ways Lit src1114931 💰
Fence Metal Small src33713374872 💰
Fence Trestle 5m src6164732 💰
Newspapers Old Pile src3134152 💰
Flower Pot Blue 1223696 💰
Bed Queen src2123020 💰
Window 130x185 Wood Placarded src4142746 💰
Lake src1111923 💰
Flowers 01 src616807 💰
Flowers 03 src515241 💰
Flowers 02 src515200 💰
Tree Spanish Cedar src1110 💰
No thumbnailLens Effect Sun High 1110 💰
Tree Palm Banana Small 01 src3130 💰
Tree Palm Banana Medium 01 src1110 💰
Spawn Point Multi src171170 💰
No thumbnailBig Sky 01 1110 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 58 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 59 1110 💰
Bomb src1110 💰
Totals7721364 / 70005626787