xone map the civilzations hop

Assault map by scorpion expode (2018-04-09)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5acbf41615efa63f344749de
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 208 objects, spanning 65 different archetypes.

Warehouse Mechanical 13393392045354 💰
House Attic Furnished 12382381305419 💰
Biker Security Assaulter Male src215115380706 💰
Cult Security Assaulter Male src414340909 💰
Resistant Assaulter African American Female src111330851 💰
Cult Follower Defender Male src313265117 💰
Cult Security Defender Male src313258612 💰
Cult Security Heavy Gunner Male src212257269 💰
Rancher Resistant Defender Male src111256191 💰
Cult Security Brawler African American Male src515250339 💰
Cult Security Heavy Flammer Male src212158025 💰
Truck 4 Seats Outlaw src111145829 💰
RZR XP Edition src111138187 💰
Cult Security Sniper Male src313126917 💰
Buggy Combat Bailout src111122345 💰
Helicopter Medium Combat Willis src111108323 💰
Quad Resistant Camo src21290940 💰
Ammo Pile src21273324 💰
Satellite Tower 16652421 💰
Corpse Resistance src11146771 💰
Bags Sand Pallets 14435368 💰
Corpse Generic Sitting Wall src11132942 💰
Bags Sand Lamps 261232305 💰
Ammo Explosive Pickup src21225020 💰
Bolted Pipe src41422390 💰
Pipe Bomb src31321101 💰
Fire Camp Big src51519534 💰
Silo Corridor Ring src11117116 💰
Silo Corridor Side Space src11117115 💰
Silo Corridor Stairs src11117007 💰
Obstacle Ramp src11116646 💰
Bomb Shelter Small Divide src2812814476 💰
M249 src11113277 💰
M133 Sawed src31312937 💰
1911 src21212649 💰
RAT4 src21212571 💰
Compound Bow src21212565 💰
Water Tap Campsite src11112515 💰
AR-C src31312357 💰
MP5 src31312277 💰
SA-50 src21212172 💰
Proximity Mine src31311884 💰
Remote Explosive src31311882 💰
Grenade src31311753 💰
Chair Office src11111193 💰
Bench Circular src11111054 💰
Smoke Grenade src31310451 💰
Fire Trail src281289632 💰
Silo Corridor End Wall src1118979 💰
Dynamite src3137934 💰
Molotov src3136994 💰
Arrow Bundle Pickup src4146768 💰
Barbed Wire Wall 2m50cm src8186622 💰
M60 src1115680 💰
M2 .50 src2125680 💰
Barricade Star Metal src4145032 💰
Barricade Wood Long src1114877 💰
Throwing Knife src3132725 💰
Bullet Pile src1112120 💰
Bullet Shells Scattered src7172079 💰
Decal Bullet Holes Wood 01 src1112053 💰
Wall 100x400x20 src313713 💰
Spawn Point src2120 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 173 1110 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 172 1110 💰
Totals208801 / 70007284294