ps4 map Overgrown 1v1

Deathmatch map by sencawX2 (2022-10-16)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 1379 objects, spanning 76 different archetypes.

Compact Sinners src111131315 💰
Bus County Jail Wheels 16658614 💰
Car Damaged 02 Blue Dark 15556665 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Beige Flat 15554652 💰
Car Wrecked 03 Grey Flat 251053388 💰
Scrapyard Car 17750995 💰
Broken Public Bus 02 Lit 16646341 💰
Building G 16 src31345331 💰
Building G 05 src11138795 💰
Building B 07 src41436022 💰
Building A 19 src11133628 💰
Building A 13 src11133628 💰
Building A 04 src21233628 💰
Building A 18 src11133372 💰
Corpse Generic Sitting Wall src11132942 💰
Building C 11 src21226202 💰
Building E 09 src11122787 💰
Building E 08 src11122530 💰
Building E 05 src11122529 💰
Cover Wood Plank src11118567 💰
Hillside Letter S Small src11116115 💰
Hillside Letter Y Small src11116110 💰
Hillside Letter E Small src11116082 💰
Smoke Car src11113663 💰
1911 src11112649 💰
Alpine Broken Tree 01 src11112627 💰
Barrel Scopolamine Metal src11111268 💰
Cemetery Vines Swoop src1811811030 💰
Wood Board Wall src21210942 💰
Cemetery Vines Wall src207120710941 💰
Cemeteray Vines Center src4514510935 💰
Fence Chainlink High Barbed Wire src21210095 💰
Garbage Bin Park Trashed 1229562 💰
Bus src1119306 💰
Dam Sidewalk End src2128957 💰
Barricade Road Concrete Yellow src6168605 💰
Tree Bliss Dead 06 src1118278 💰
Alpine Broken Tree 03 src2128264 💰
Stump Tree Clawed src1117944 💰
Barricade Road Concrete src6167916 💰
Tool Cart src1117132 💰
Sidewalk 1x12 9121086240 💰
M60 src1115680 💰
Barrel Scopolamine Empty src1115035 💰
Bush Black Calabash 04 src6164273 💰
Body Armor src1114224 💰
Bush Chokecherry Large src3134196 💰
Tire Tractor src2123870 💰
Bush Alpine src2123724 💰
Bush Alpine Forest Plant src8183423 💰
Garbage Bag Black src1113285 💰
Bush Aspen src76317633163 💰
Mountain Grass 03 src12711272836 💰
Pumpkin Leaves src2122832 💰
Intermountain Vines 02 src7172757 💰
Intermountain Vines 03 src1112752 💰
Intermountain Vines 01 src5152748 💰
Intermountain Vines 04 src4142747 💰
Bus Station 02 src1112562 💰
Sidewalk 1x4 44162080 💰
Vines Dense src2121366 💰
Bush Black Calabash 03 src3131051 💰
Tire Stack 01 src111991 💰
Bush Black Calabash 02 src515890 💰
Garbage Bag See Through src111557 💰
Bed Hides Leaves src111364 💰
Grass Line src414193 💰
Tree Caryota Maxima src311310 💰
Invisible Cube 400 src8180 💰
Invisible Cube 200 src111110 💰
Invisible Wall 400x800x20 src141140 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 1048 1110 💰
Spawn Point Multi src141140 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 1047 1110 💰
Military Medkit src2120 💰
Invisible Pillar 200x120x120 src2120 💰
Totals13791523 / 70001154191