xone map Cubic fight

Team Deathmatch map by RarinLion38 (2022-08-08)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/62f0556d820f234180e2cf73
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 301 objects, spanning 48 different archetypes.

Heavy Truck Cargo Basic src111177268 💰
1956 Hierarch Force Army Mounted .50Cal src313167845 💰
Truck 4 Seats 50Cal Outlaw src212146202 💰
Helicopter Medium Combat Resistant Camo src212108323 💰
Nut Hugger src51523217 💰
Shovel src11122030 💰
Grapple Ledge src21216550 💰
M-79 src21213101 💰
RAT4 src21212571 💰
SA-50 Super src21212174 💰
BZ19 Super src21212130 💰
Medkit src51511997 💰
Mortar src41411683 💰
M60 src2125680 💰
M2 .50 src1115680 💰
Body Armor src4144224 💰
Destructible Particlesd Stairs Hollow 540x250x1000 src2122256 💰
Destructible Dynamic Particles Wall 200x200x20 src2122222 💰
Fence 280x300x20 src10110825 💰
Fence Hole 280x300x20 src313820 💰
Window Wide Ext 280x400x40 src515721 💰
Window Glass Secured src515721 💰
Window 280x300x20 src515721 💰
Door 280x300x20 src111721 💰
Wall Thick Hole 280x300x40 src515717 💰
Door Double 280x300x20 src212717 💰
Block 100x100x100 src21121714 💰
Block 120x100x100 src111714 💰
Wall 280x200x20 src111713 💰
Wall Thick 280x800x40 src15115713 💰
Pillar 120x200x200 src10110713 💰
Pillar 140x200x200 src111713 💰
Wall Thick 280x400x40 src15115713 💰
Wall 100x800x20 src212713 💰
Wall 100x300x20 src414713 💰
Wall 100x400x20 src414713 💰
Wall Thick 280x300x40 src212713 💰
Pillar 140x150x150 src616713 💰
Block 400x400x400 src616713 💰
Pillar 140x120x120 src22122713 💰
Pillar 200x200x200 src75175713 💰
Block 600x600x600 src12112713 💰
Wall 280x400x20 src515713 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 66 1110 💰
Spawn Point Team 2 src6160 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 16 1110 💰
Spawn Point Team 1 src9190 💰
Objective Marker src2120 💰
Totals301301 / 7000773239