xone map The creation

Outpost map by Tylercoffee1925 (2022-07-05)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/62c3b331820f233a6801d041
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 195 objects, spanning 58 different archetypes.

Grand View Hotel Furnished 1117611767867954 💰
County Jail Prison Empty 1113314992 💰
Cabin Large Furnished 12822822455854 💰
Convenience Store Abandoned 12852851662425 💰
Garage Large Residential 19696872220 💰
Walker Female src243143411295 💰
Basic Follower Assaulter Male src818362070 💰
Roach Male src211111341965 💰
Aviator Resistant Assaulter Male src13113319269 💰
Flight Crew Resistant Assaulter Male src111316565 💰
Basic Follower Brawler Female src111306634 💰
Badass Follower Defender Male src2616273174 💰
House Burnt 22244272399 💰
Joseph Seed Shirtless src111253002 💰
House Extra Large 02 199176513 💰
1956 Hierarch Force Basic src111167479 💰
Offroad Modern Resistant src111154373 💰
Grain Elevator Abandoned 12294337 💰
House Large 13375618 💰
Grizzly Bear src11138905 💰
Barn Red Broken src11135099 💰
House Town Large 15534917 💰
Cougar src31331474 💰
Moose src11131405 💰
American Black Bear src91929874 💰
Dog src31327144 💰
Yeti src51525672 💰
Burnt House Exterior 03 src11123640 💰
White Tailed Deer Female src21222888 💰
Goat Festive src11121605 💰
Burnt House Exterior 02 src11121497 💰
Burnt House Exterior 04 src11120649 💰
Pig Festive src21219068 💰
Goat src21217087 💰
Wolf Grey src1211216808 💰
Burnt House Interior 02 src11116478 💰
Pig Brown src11116461 💰
Skunk src11116310 💰
Turkey src31316068 💰
Sheep src31316021 💰
Burnt House Exterior 05 src11115768 💰
Hare src81815357 💰
Burnt House Rubble 02 src51515101 💰
Pig src11114712 💰
Owl src31314424 💰
Carport Double src11113858 💰
Temple Structure src11113438 💰
Starling src31312970 💰
Northern Cardinal src21212965 💰
Rattlesnake src11112908 💰
Gull src41412698 💰
Ruffed Grouse src31312357 💰
Rat src3132260 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 40 2120 💰
Spawn Point src1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 95 1110 💰
No thumbnailAlarm - 23 3130 💰
No thumbnailAlpine 1110 💰
Totals1952087 / 700020366024