xone map team deathmatch

Team Deathmatch map by zomdylan (2018-10-11)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5bbf63983010230d8060f5e9
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 189 objects, spanning 37 different archetypes.

Radar Tower 14314313120198 💰
Lodge Opened 16868903689 💰
Cabin Abandoned Small 1112112867589 💰
Lodge Empty 12121366218 💰
Father Effigy 42392342673 💰
Radar Tower Large 12121268239 💰
Cabin Bunk Beds 13939247397 💰
Plane Dogfighter src111166537 💰
Cabin Corrugated Grey 11616150512 💰
Helicopter Medium Combat Basic src212108324 💰
Ammo Pile src81873324 💰
Hangar Opened 13361649 💰
Blood Dragon Hard src31349039 💰
Cougar src21231474 💰
Nut Hugger src11123217 💰
Shovel src41422030 💰
Aluminium Bat src41422009 💰
The Obliteratorrrr src11115706 💰
.44 Magnum Long src11112717 💰
Sling Shot src1911912651 💰
Recurve Bow src81812310 💰
Medkit src1211211997 💰
Grenade src31311753 💰
Mortar src81811683 💰
Smoke Grenade src91910451 💰
Ammo Pickup src3013010429 💰
Ammo Heavy Pickup src141147928 💰
Molotov src4146994 💰
Arrow Bundle Pickup src221226768 💰
M60 src4145680 💰
Nerve Reaper src1112173 💰
Hellfire src1112173 💰
Grape Popper src1112173 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 110 1110 💰
Spawn Point Team 2 src6160 💰
Spawn Point Team 1 src6160 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 106 1110 💰
Totals189980 / 70006967704