xone map Wave defence

Assault map by Pastygrantoz44 (2021-03-24)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/605b8a277413232b90fd8817
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 529 objects, spanning 47 different archetypes.

Cult Follower Assaulter Male src264164346989 💰
Cult Follower Assaulter Male src388188346989 💰
Cult Follower Berserker Male src421121346988 💰
Cult Follower Brawler Female src4414291547 💰
Cult Follower Brawler Male src467167264792 💰
Joseph Seed Shirtless src4111253002 💰
John Seed Trench Coat src2111249719 💰
Scout Resistant Rocket Male src111238737 💰
Scout Resistant Sniper Male src919238689 💰
Badass Follower Pistolero Female src111196141 💰
Cult Follower Rocket Female src4111183714 💰
Helicopter Small Vintage Combat Adelaide Cult src111110886 💰
Jacob Seed src311198440 💰
Ammo Pile src11173324 💰
Barrel Explosive src1111172874 💰
House Large 02 18867696 💰
Guard Tower src21234084 💰
Ammo Explosive Pickup src31325020 💰
Propane Tank Raised 32621774 💰
M60 src1311313319 💰
M249 Super src61613280 💰
SBS src2212212929 💰
308 Carbine src1211212902 💰
RPG7 Modern src31312776 💰
Shovel Launcher src91912776 💰
.44 Magnum Long Super src1411412717 💰
Sling Shot src1211212651 💰
RAT4 src31312571 💰
AK47 src1011012322 💰
Recurve Bow src31312310 💰
Neon Sparkle src41412309 💰
Flamethrower src41412302 💰
MP5SD src1411412273 💰
Medkit src1811811997 💰
SVD src1611611885 💰
Mortar src11111683 💰
Ammo Pickup src91910429 💰
Ammo Heavy Pickup src6167928 💰
Molotov src191196994 💰
Arrow Fire Pickup src5156632 💰
Hedgehog Roadblock src131135924 💰
Body Armor src151154224 💰
MG42 src6162976 💰
Sandbag Pile Large src7172771 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 514 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 3 1110 💰
Spawn Point src2120 💰
Totals529539 / 70003722285