ps4 map ZerOchka

Assault map by tyoma542 (2021-03-24)

Far Cry Arcade Website link:
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 110 objects, spanning 77 different archetypes.

Radar Tower 14314313120198 💰
Grand View Hotel Empty 13013013077637 💰
Garage Urban 13283282958694 💰
Cabin Abandoned 11971971114392 💰
Hangar Corrugated Habitated 1120120782001 💰
Walker Female src111411295 💰
Roach Female src414397355 💰
Father Effigy 12323342673 💰
Roach Male src515341965 💰
Behemoth src111318599 💰
Radar Tower Large 12121268239 💰
Stand Veggies 14444262539 💰
Barn Large Opened Red 2918220409 💰
Barbecue Tents 14444207024 💰
Church Small Burnt 12929195969 💰
Barn Large Opened 188166345 💰
Cabin Medium 02 Blue Roof 166163238 💰
Rustic Bar Windows 11212157849 💰
Cabin Corrugated Green 11616150493 💰
Scout src212138251 💰
Civic Small Grey 133126993 💰
RHIB Basic src111116115 💰
RHIB Cult src111116114 💰
Cult Chemist src212111426 💰
Crate Apple Stack 3721101419 💰
Jetski Cult src111101363 💰
House Corrugated Roof 15598701 💰
Reception Large 1151595227 💰
Helicopter Cubic src11192296 💰
House Valley Attic Red 13387676 💰
Store Urban Large 14481473 💰
Bar Large Red 12277815 💰
Bar Large Green 12277798 💰
Queen Elite src11168534 💰
Shelf Vegetables 19956730 💰
Shed Awning 13354714 💰
Greenhouse Empty 15537484 💰
House Town Large 15534917 💰
Farm Silo Empty 22434571 💰
Corpse Generic Sitting Wall src11132942 💰
Water Tower Large 11132771 💰
Irrigation Reservoir Tower src11128647 💰
Greenhouse Large src11126687 💰
Shed Large src31325648 💰
Trailer src11124433 💰
Nut Hugger src11123217 💰
Shovel src11122030 💰
Dock Park src61620001 💰
Food Truck Meat src21217691 💰
Dock Corner Fence src21216706 💰
Crate Flowers src21215883 💰
The Obliteratorrrr src11115706 💰
Barrel Strapped Fertilizer src11114537 💰
M249 Super src11113280 💰
Banner Apples src11113116 💰
M-79 src11113101 💰
RPG7 Modern src11112776 💰
Shovel Launcher src21212776 💰
Sling Shot src11112651 💰
RAT4 src11112571 💰
Compound Bow src11112565 💰
Vector .45 ACP Super src11112359 💰
M-16 src11112327 💰
AK47 src11112322 💰
Neon Sparkle src21212309 💰
M60 src1115680 💰
Tire Stack Old src1113398 💰
Bag Soil Pallet src1112963 💰
Grape Popper src1112173 💰
Hellfire src1112173 💰
Nerve Reaper src3132173 💰
Hay Bale Round src1111617 💰
No thumbnailDefend – 21 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory – 22 2120 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
No thumbnailMilky Way 1110 💰
Spawn Point src6160 💰
Totals1101757 / 700016855760