xone map The Malefactors

Team Deathmatch map by CorporalFungus (2018-04-25)

Far Cry Arcade Website link: https://far-cry-arcade.ubi.com/xone/map/5ae0fc7d15efa678641e28f6
Load In MapSwapper: here

See below for a list of objects in the map, ordered by decreasing memory budget cost. Note that the actual list may differ, if the map got updated:

counting 392 objects, spanning 198 different archetypes.

Scrapyard Vending Machine 12222269992 💰
Stand Veggies 14444262539 💰
Ammo Factory Table 13030172577 💰
Scaffolds Bridge 2102090918 💰
Crates Barrels Pallet 18888597 💰
Fences Tarp Construction 1121285367 💰
Furniture Barricade 1202081349 💰
Cafeteria Table 1141476744 💰
Pallet Trailer 19975572 💰
Barrel Explosive src11172874 💰
Wreckages Scrap Dumpster 16658728 💰
Propane Tank Small src21258207 💰
Table Restaurant Long 1111157135 💰
Car Wrecked 01 Beige Flat 15554652 💰
Car Wrecked 02 Green Flat 15553395 💰
Corpse Driver src11153303 💰
Bus School Wheels Windows 1121250906 💰
Corpse Face Down src21249562 💰
Barrels Wooden 15549515 💰
Picnic Table Vegetables 1101048548 💰
Corpse Holding Knees src11147966 💰
Landmark John Hancock 13347792 💰
Corpse Leg Up src11146411 💰
Dressers Barricade 17746027 💰
Landmark Aeon Center 13345058 💰
Table Restaurant 271444070 💰
Pallet Stack Oriented 13343191 💰
Building G 22 src21242810 💰
Desk Computer Trashed 1111141924 💰
Building G 11 src11141187 💰
Scaffolds Metal Tubes 15540435 💰
Animal Cages 16637335 💰
Road Signs Detour 23637299 💰
Bags Sand Pallets 943635368 💰
Wreckages Dumpster 18834159 💰
Picnic Table Pizza Trashed 17734117 💰
Building A 18 src11133372 💰
Corpse Generic Sitting Wall src11132942 💰
Landmark Neo Classic src31330722 💰
Container Lumber 13327293 💰
Box Wrapped Stack Pallet 1131327223 💰
Dam Spillway src11126828 💰
Jump Dirt src11126743 💰
Sawmill Portable src11123546 💰
Landmark City Hall src11122530 💰
Building E 14 src11122530 💰
Workbench Feet Boxes 16622303 💰
Wrecked Car Clean 02 src11122072 💰
Fence Metal Corrugated Large src21221557 💰
Slide Playground Old src11121281 💰
Picnic Table Cans 15521136 💰
Billboard Devil Lighter Fluid src11121074 💰
Pallets Broken src11119097 💰
Crate Wood 1m src41418670 💰
Cloth Sofa Table 14418599 💰
Cover Wood Plank src21218567 💰
Elevator Headframe src11117552 💰
Dumpster Lumber Mill src11117341 💰
Silo Doorframe src21216843 💰
Scaffold Kit Cross Wood src11114499 💰
Sign Generic For Sale src11114431 💰
Rock Med Cover Generic 10 src11113968 💰
Rock Small Cover Generic 05 src21213936 💰
Fence Plank Wood Large src11113802 💰
Rock Med Cover Generic 01 src11113617 💰
Sign Chalkboard Pig Deal src11113386 💰
Sign Portable Stop src11113287 💰
M-79 src11113101 💰
Small Apple Tree 02 src11113087 💰
AR-C L src11113056 💰
Fence Plank Wood Small src11113054 💰
SPAS-12 src11112957 💰
RPG7 Modern src11112776 💰
Sign Arrow src11112733 💰
Bed Barricade Covers 15512659 💰
MBP .50 src11112322 💰
Flamethrower src11112302 💰
Flare Green src51512299 💰
Medkit src51511997 💰
Rock Small Cover Generic 03 src21211897 💰
Rock Small Cover Generic 02 src11111880 💰
Table Fruit Bags 14411270 💰
Road Sign Portable Closed src21211243 💰
Speaker Rig src11111186 💰
Scaffold src11111135 💰
Fence Chainlink High Barbed Wire Bent 03 src11110956 💰
Fence Chainlink High Barbed Wire Bent 04 src21210945 💰
Baseball Net src11110677 💰
Memorial src11110418 💰
Fence Temporary src41410380 💰
Bridge Large src11110131 💰
Fence Temporary Barb Wire src1119844 💰
Fence Temporary Gate src1119692 💰
Sign Livestock Auction Large src1119271 💰
Magazine Shop src1119181 💰
Electric Cable Pile src1119134 💰
Fence Temporary Tarp Green src3138261 💰
Fence Temporary Tarp src1118253 💰
Chalkboard src1117917 💰
Barricade Road Concrete src2127916 💰
Garbage Bins Plastic Trashed 1337886 💰
Junk Pile src2127746 💰
Debris Wood Pile src1117172 💰
Small Apple Tree 01 src1116931 💰
Smoke Medium src8186832 💰
Wood Chunks Covered Large src1116758 💰
Wood Chunks Covered Small src1116620 💰
Forklift src1116488 💰
Bucket Fruits src1116414 💰
Fence High src1116349 💰
Sidewalk 1x12 12121446240 💰
Large House B01 3266147 💰
Large House B08 3266147 💰
Large House B04 3266147 💰
Large House B03 1226147 💰
Box Stack src1115719 💰
Fence Corrugated Metal Concrete Medium src2125687 💰
M2 .50 src2125680 💰
Sign Energy Drink Sold Here src1115666 💰
Fence Corrugated Metal Concrete Small src1115620 💰
Rack Bike src2125544 💰
Zipline Anchor Long src2125090 💰
Fence Corrugated Metal Medium src1114920 💰
Fence Corrugated Metal Small src1114890 💰
Sign Parking src1114831 💰
Barrier Crowd 3m50cm src4144829 💰
Barricade Road Concrete Small src5154823 💰
Drinking Water Fountain src1114783 💰
Garbage Pile src1114384 💰
Sign No Parking src2124342 💰
Garbage Bin Plastic Trashed 1224233 💰
Body Armor src2124224 💰
Bookshelf Metal Fallen 1334217 💰
Sidewalk 2x4 88644160 💰
Newspapers Old Pile src3134152 💰
Small House B01 1224097 💰
Small House A03 4284097 💰
Small House A02 1224097 💰
Armory Map src1113609 💰
Industrial Junk Pile 03 src2123608 💰
Bush Alpine Cedar 02 src1113582 💰
Bush Alpine Forest Plant src1113423 💰
Tire Stack Old src1113398 💰
Bush Wild Rhododendron src111113269 💰
Bush Black Elderberry src1113203 💰
Pipes Gas 04 src1113070 💰
Mountain Grass 01 src221222824 💰
Shelf Modular src1112820 💰
Rolling Cage src1112818 💰
Fence Metal Meduim src1112732 💰
Decal Blood Large Dry src1112395 💰
Barrel 01 src3132112 💰
Sidewalk 1x4 44162080 💰
Statue Eagle src1112050 💰
Pipe Concrete Short src1112049 💰
Lake src2121923 💰
Concrete Debris Big Pile src1111583 💰
Bush Water Birch 03 src1111251 💰
Climbable Ledge 01 2241125 💰
Waterfall Small Splash Top src1111049 💰
Brick Stack src111909 💰
Decal White Line T Shape src111858 💰
Wood Scrap src111600 💰
Sidewalk 01 src111520 💰
Electrical Sparks Large src111265 💰
Sidewalk Trap Door src212262 💰
Decal Pile Newspaper src414188 💰
Decal Garage 1 src111174 💰
Road Work Sign src111167 💰
Road Bollard 01 src313162 💰
Construction Sign src414162 💰
Insects Flies 02 src11116 💰
Large House E08 52100 💰
Large House E07 4280 💰
Large House D06 102200 💰
Large House E01 3260 💰
Large House E02 62120 💰
Chemical Toilet 01 src1110 💰
Decal No Parking Lines 4x8 src2120 💰
Spawn Point Team 2 src7170 💰
Speed Bump src3130 💰
Building Chase Tower 02 src2120 💰
No thumbnailCirrus 04 1110 💰
Large House E06 2240 💰
Large House A01 4280 💰
Spawn Point Multi src3130 💰
No thumbnailMyst Patch Big 01 1110 💰
Decal Road Red Stripes 05 src3130 💰
Large House C01 62120 💰
Large House E09 2240 💰
No thumbnailDefend - 22 1110 💰
No thumbnailTerritory - 23 1110 💰
Spawn Point Team 1 src8180 💰
Park Bench 02 src2120 💰
Simple Building Big src1110 💰
Park Bench 01 src2120 💰
No thumbnailMountain 1110 💰
Large House C04 1220 💰
Totals392994 / 70003750671